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案例10 客户以大公司自居,不付样品费


问题:做外贸过程当中我们经常会遇到一些情况就是客户总是强调他自己是大公司从来 不付样品费并说了很多原因我们要如何说服客户?


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Sure I can understand what you mentioned in your email, anyway I am very sorry but I didn't have any chance to convince our company to offer you the total free samples, as our company is one of the biggest suppliers of Xxx Product in China, our company has around 50 sales who enjoy the same policy in the samples, sure our company won't give me the exception for a new customer who didn't make the business with us before. (Sure we had the free sample policy for our regular customers).

So I really hope you can double confirm about the solution So that we could move the order forward:



Always I do believe only small companies could change their rules easily in the free samples, you can have a try the sample from a bigger supplier to test the difference, thank you very much.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx.

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