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问题:我有一个西班牙的客户想要做XXX,总共20件,一开始报价给客户,他觉得价格很高 并且告诉了我他的目标价,后面我们经过一番解释给他降价了,但是第一次降价没有达到他 的目标价只是接近他的目标价,比他的目标价多出3美金,客户就发他的其他供应商报价过来 给我看,别人的报价比我司报低6美金,客户反馈如果我能改善这个问题他就选择我们,然后我 司衡量成本之后,第二次降价就直接达到客户的目标价了,并且说明我们的报价已经不能再低 了,发给客户的邮件和旺旺信息他都秒读,但是他没有回复,于是刚才我打电话过去准备询 问一下客户情况(当地下午15点),但是他拒绝了,请问老师们还有什么招数能引导客户吗?

回复思路:砍价大忌:①动不动就降价;②动不动就问客户目标价(或快速达到客户目标 价);



Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Thank you very much for your kind patience, which was very helpful for us to confirm the product details of our Xxx Product and I also sent you the quotation details for confirmation.(对上次沟通内容做一个总结).

Would you please confirm how would you like to ship the goods so that I can quote you the shipping cost for confirmation.(引导客户进入下一步).

Please do trust all of these didn't come easily, I really hope my effort in the price decreasing should exchange your order but not your doubt, I think I am doing the right thing, I also do believe we only have to keep a little more patience then sure we would help each other to move a big step, I really enjoy this kind of "each other helping", this is also what I should do as a professional sales.(情商推进).

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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