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问题:我去年有一个埃塞俄比亚的终端客户,要的是陶瓷窑用的吊挂砖和碳化硅板,横 梁和烧嘴,给客户报过价之后,客户一直反馈我们的价格高,说淄博有一家公司报的价格比 我们低了好几美金(基本就是我们的利润),我查了那家公司,是专门做碳化硅产品的公司, 之后客户说要碳化硅烧嘴的一半的量,但是要信用证空运过去,我查了一下有一定的风险, 就跟客户说了,后来客户就不怎么联系我了,有一段时间他因为身体原因住院了,之后我发 信息他就一直不回复,今年联系了一下,就简单寒暄了几句,没有有效的沟通。


Dear Xxx,

I am sorry for saying this that I do a long time like when I got “ Thank you /I will get back to you /1 will be in touch with you soon /1 will do search firstM , in fact, I never hear from your exactly, may I ask whether you are just trying to be polite, and you don't want to reject me, isn't this same case here ? If yes, I will be very very sad :-(:-(

what should it take for you and me to do business in coming days ? Is it a term, is it price, is it money Is it purchase time delay ? And what other part of the deals you don*t like ? Could you please share more with me and please let us lay everything on table, so that I can supply reliable service for you. I really hope that get your kind suggestion.

Thousands of thanks.

Yours sincerely,Xxx

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