
案例31-32 让客户砍价回归产品质量和服务-话术①-②




Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Both of us would certainly know that a stable business (supplier or customer) with reasonable cost would bring the best profits, do believe this is also the main reason that you are looking for a new partner, right?

Sure, lower prices for the same level products in the market are always with reasons, as we are all factories in China, we won't have a big difference in the prices. (Unless we have misunderstanding or miscommunication in the production specifications or something else.) Now we have only around 5-8% profits in the quotation we quoted to you, please do trust we won't have such huge profits like 30% (though my boss is eager for that, aha).

So would you please refer to the attachment for the quotation again and double confirm when you compare the prices to other suppliers, are the products are compared in the same level? (I made very detailed specifications with it).

Your reply on the help would be very helpful for us to make them clear so that we can confirm the order.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx



回复思路:就是客户在将我们军,给我们带来一些谈判上的压力和麻烦。所以我们要利 用反将军思维将客户的注意力还是维持在产品上,反过来给客户带来一些压力和麻烦,以达 到堵住客户砍价的目的。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Please do trust we are all factories in China, we should not have so big difference in prices, anyway we would love to offer you my help to find out the reasons with my professional product knowledge and experience(We think you are also very interested):

1. You collect the samples from us (including your other suppliers) so that you find out the reasons by yourself.

2. Quicker way: you can ask your supplier to send a sample to our forwarder's warehouse (as our factory address would make them hesitated), We promise we will compare the samples in the fair way and offer you a report. (We would bear all the cost needed, it takes only one day from their company to us).

Please do trust the most expensive products are always not the ones with reasonable profits but the wrong products.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best regards,

Yours Xxx

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