

问题:我之前跟进过的那个客户,送样品,打样的时间有点长,然后客人下样品单的时 候我答应给客人规格书,后来忘记了这个事情,然后这期间我也忘记联系客人去澄清这些事 情,到样品做好,上周客人收到样品,然后我今天发邮件问客人测试样品需不需要什么技术 上的支持,客户回复说我们速度反应太慢,不放心下单给我们,我们的产品本身应该是很有 优势的,从外观到性能,只是客人对我们寄样时间太长,以及我个人的中间没有追踪到位, 很耿耿于怀,我总感觉客人感觉我好像骗了他一样,现在这个邮件应该怎么回复比较好呢?


Dear Xxx,

Appreciated highly for you telling me this truth and feedback, meanwhile, it is a big shame for me that don' t let you feel happy for my service. I am so stupid that make such kind of mistake, it is did a deep and lesson in my international business.

Supposed there were another chance, I would do my best and answer you earlier and fast, make everything clear, please kindly understand that I really don' t want to lose you and want to service to you again, could you please give me a chance again ?

As you mentioned, you like the color of our capacitor, Please don't reject our entire company and team because of my mistakes, if you still think Amy is not in the level as you require, I will invite our engineer or another colleagues to follow up you. How do you think ? I most welcome your any advice and suggestion.

Thousands of thank you very much if you can give us a chance again. I believe that we can do better and better in future.

Yours sincerely,


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