


问题:我们有个沙特阿拉伯客户,是个老询盘客户,之前和客户出过一个其他产品的小 订单。最近客户询价一个产品,然后在价格上,前前后后拼价格拼了很久,最后以很低的利 润达成共识,第一次报价时也和客户说明了价格是基于当时原材料的价格,然后走了样品单, 样品也通过了。后来llw美金的订单下过来,是距离第一次报价已经过了 1个月,成本上涨了 5%,本身第一次报价利润就不高,因此我们不得不和客户提涨价,但是客户现在不买账,说 由于公司规定只能接受原来的价格,否则只能选择另一家供应商。如果按现在的原材料价格 做的话,我们可能赚不了多少甚至会亏。现在订单面临取消,但是这个项目前前后后我们和 工厂都花了很多精力,而且这个客户后续的需求量挺可观的,放弃了又挺可惜。怎么办好呢?

回复思路:当我们遇到要给客户涨价的时候如果不是特殊情况下我们可以结合高情商话 术勇敢地,坚绝地,自信地给我们客户涨价,结果很多时候都会出乎我们的意料,但是一定 要注意涨价的话术及语气,两者一到位,那么涨价的成功率就会相当高。


Dear XXX,

Thank you very much for your kind support in the new order of our xxx product.

I am very sorry but please share your best understanding that now the material cost increased a lot, so we have no choice but to reduce the price from $xx to $xx(原价和现价)

Please do trust we would not add the cost without reason, as long as we have the reasonable profits sure we would not charge from our customers. (As we would have very big potential risk to lose you or other customers with adding cost.)

So please do trust to add the cost is the last step that we could do without other better options. As long-term business partners, we should help each other to grow together with reasonable profits so that

we can work together further and longer.

Sure if you can support us in the cost, please do believe we would return more in the future when you need help from us.

Your understanding would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Yours Xxx

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