



1 他对于我们第一单让利成交的方案很欣赏,但是他的目标价和我们的最大诚意价格还 是相差有0.25美元的差距,所以他还是期待我们降价。(按照他的目标价我们没有办法做)

2 他在这一段时间应该跟我们的同行接触过,想找具有同样质量的替代供应商,但是他 一个找不到。而且他还提及到:我们给国内同行的价格比他的报价低很多。我明确说不可能,



直接告诉客户这个价格真的不能够再让步了, 一定要再次强调这次完全是想打开合作的 窗口才让的价。客户如果满意的话后面是要补回差价的,现在最重要的是先展开合作对彼此 有更多的了解。合作开了以后可以再协商更好的合作方式,给客户两种选择:

1 客户一单一单地下,那么价格就会比较高(因为我们一单一单采购的成本也高)。

2 客户可以下年单,比如我们确认30万条的订单,分十单下(每一单3万条),客户 只要付3万条的30%订金过来,然后我们就开始做货,出货的时候客户付第一单3万条的全 款过来。然后那30%的订金用来做第二单的订金;第二单客户就不用付订金过来了,直接通 知我们开始做货就行,出第二单货的时候客户继续付全款过来,30%的订金依然留下来当第三 单的订金……(以此类推)。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind patience in confirming the order details of our Xxx Product, your professional negotiation skills really impressed me very much.

About the order, I did discuss with our company with my best to convince, our company would love to support you in the order so that we can start the first cooperation:

1. We could support you with price only $0.751/pc based on xxpcs. (This is our cost prices without any profits) to start the first order so that you can test the market.

2. After you test the market, if the quality and sales volume satisfied your customers, when you place the second order, our company has 2 pieces little requirements:

1) Please support us the profitable price S0.88/pc from the second order

2) If possible please also return us the profits that we should have in our first order. ($0. 88-$0. 75) x30000=$xxx.

I do believe now the most important is not the prices but we should help each other to test the market so that we can work together to take more market, how do you think?

Our company would also love to support you to take the Exclusive Sales Right in your market in 6 months, if something special this period may be longer or shorter, if you can order up to xxx pcs after 6 months, then our company would very love to make you our Exclusive Agent in your market in the future.

Your reply on the confirmation would be very helpful for us to make this project happen.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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