


问题:有个印度客户,脾气很暴躁。他返单第三次,今天刚给了定金。他之前付了第二 批货的定金货还没出。之前也发脾气所以我们没收到他第三张单的定金就已经照样安排了订 单备料了。他今天付款后说之前出的第一批货,彩盒不够shinny.他要glossy laminated.但是其实 彩盒本来就已经是过胶的了。出那个国家的货我们一直都在出,都是这样的彩盒。他就说要 按他自己的要求来做,要再shinny一点。我就说这样的话要加多1块过UV工序。他就开始发脾 气,说不想跟我再谈了。要退定金指责我一点都不配合他的订单的意思,对这样的客户应该 怎么处理呢?

回复思路:其实现实外贸当中那些动不动就发脾气的客户主要是因为我们平时太“渴望” 得到客户订单而处处“谦让”着客户从而导致客户只要一发脾气就可以得到一定程度上的利 益,身为外贸人我们要学会合理,有自信地跟客户说NO,要对自己公司及产品要有绝对的信 心,还有一定要平时多学习,加强自身的专业知识及谈判技巧,这样才不会在谈判当中处处 被客户“欺负”,从而扭转谈判的主动权,让我们每一场谈判都以绝对自信的姿态面对客户。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

I am very sorry but our company held a meeting of your order, please do share your best understanding that your color box is already with shinny treatment (glossy laminated), anyway if you still need to strengthen glossy effect which would sure bring higher cost.

1. The price I offered to you is really VIP cost with only 5-6% profits.

2. We didn't get any profits in the second "shinny treatment", the cost I added is the one our package supplier charged us.

3. Or you can buy the color box and send to our factory and we will pack for you freely.

So please do share your best understanding that if you don't agree to add the extra cost of the second shinny treatment, then we have to cancel this order. (1RMB is really very important for us).

Sorry again for the “tm-enough” help, I really hope we can also get the support from your side which would be very grateful by all of our company.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx

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