


问题:做外贸过程当中我们经常会遇到一些情况就是客户经常拿着人家的价格来压我们 而且说在亚马逊上卖没什么竞争优势怎么办?

回复思路:其实客户回复的重点倒不是你的价格贵,而是这个价格在亚马逊上卖没有利 润,所以这个时候我们需要去亚马逊上找下我们的产品,然后给客户算一笔帐:就是客户跟 我们买我们能让客户有多少利润(特别是那些价格特别低的一定要告诉客户销量一般不太好, 所以要找销量好的,合理价格的,质量好的)。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Sure I can totally understand your concerns, I also checked the situation in Amazon, please refer to the attachment for the picture of them with best selling, their prices are around $xxx/ pc (free shipping如果 是包邮就写上).

So if you buy from us with price only $xxx/pc based on xxx pcs(客户要的数量)for example with shipping cost $xx total, that means each piece would be $xxx/pc free shipping, this would help you to gain around Xxx% profits. (So would you please confirm if this could help us to have this order proceeded? Please do trust too low prices are always not the one which could gain the best market).

Lower prices are always available in the market, at the same time they are also with reasons, So would you please confirm if they are compared in the same level:

1. Material: We use the same level of Aviation Aluminium Alloy Materials with hardness 6063plus.

2. High-precision: We use the XXX imported from Germany to reach Level-8 precision (normal is only Level5)

3. Torch: We use the YK-100 Torch which makes sure the cutting edge smooth to reach 99.99% xxx.

4. CNC System: We use the F2100B developed by Shanghai Communication Institute which is the top level R&D in CNC Industrial.

5. Warranty: As long as 3 years.


Your reply to the confirmation would be very helpful for us to find out the reasons who lower prices is lower prices does.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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